Training Equipment
We manufacture all kinds of training equipment custom designed for our clients’ specifications, as well as training tools for improving your grip strength and overall fitness.
Our training products are sold through our online store at
Mönster Board
Designed for climbers, to build monster finger strength
The Mönster Board features an ideal variety of edges in a compact board. Each edge has been carefully crafted for optimizing finger comfort while providing edge accuracy.
Each edge of the board it cut out by our CNC machine, then hand finished and measured for accuracy. Each pair of edges are spaced equally for ergonomics and training. The board has also been integrated to the Entralpi forceplate training app.
Campus Rungs
Take your climbing to the next level by incorporating our campus rungs into your training. Campus rungs come in a verity of sizes to help improve finger, shoulder and pulling strength and power.
Campus rungs are cut from solid poplar.